Category: Operations

  • AI Filmmaking: How I Made my Movie using AI

    The Making of Maximum Perception Takeaways: About Me As a two-time Emmy nominee and an entrepreneur with over two decades of experience, I’ve spent much of my career exploring the intersection of technology and media. My journey has taken me through the founding and managing of several successful tech companies in New York and Vancouver,…

  • AIDEO: The Ultimate AI Video & Film Software Directory
    AIDEO: The Ultimate AI Video & Film Software Directory

    AIDEO is constantly updated and maintained by our research team to provide industry professionals as well as new emerging creators with the most recent information on the new capabilities of the new tools.

  • The New TikTok trend: Dark Fantasy videos made with AI
    The New TikTok trend: Dark Fantasy videos made with AI

    I previously wrote that AI video will disrupt influencer marketing and social media before it does the same to Hollywood and it looks like that prediction is starting to come true. As Olivia Moore from Andreesen Horowitz posts on twitter: Everyday, new tools are coming out that let you create AI video in any number…

  • AI Disruption in Filmmaking: The Coming Revolution in Hollywood
    AI Disruption in Filmmaking: The Coming Revolution in Hollywood

    Hollywood is on the verge of an unprecedented transformation. A seismic shift is coming, not from traditional studios or blockbuster directors, but from AI and Gen AI. Comprehending the scale of things on the Internet is always a challenge but in looking at some of the data from Doug Shapiro’s analysis provides a sobering and…

  • AI Video Ad from Creatify

    I used Creatify to make an AI generated ad for Bow Wow & Beyond and it was pretty decent given the effort required. With a bit more tweaking I think I could have had something ready to share on social. We’ll likely see more services like this disrupting the advertising and marketing fields in the…

  • The Disruption of Film and Video by Generative AI: How and When?

    The world of film and video is on the brink of a major transformation, driven by the advancements in generative AI. This emerging technology promises to revolutionize how content is created, distributed, and consumed. But how exactly will this disruption unfold, and when can we expect to see its impact? Marketing Use Cases Susceptible to…

  • Maximum Perception Trailer

    I created a trailer for Maximum Perception for the CuriousReforge AI trailer contest. This was made using only AI. Tools that were used include Midjourney, RunwayML, Leonardo, ElevenLabs, Magnific, Final Cut Pro and Photoshop. Let me know what you think.

  • How AI is Set to Disrupt the Film, Video, and TV Industry: Key Insights and Predictions for 2024

    Key Takeaways Strategic Analysis of Disruption in the Film, Video, and Television Industry Applying Christensen’s Theory of Disruptive Innovation According to Clay Christensen’s theory of disruptive innovation, detailed in his book The Innovator’s Dilemma, incumbent players in any industry are susceptible to disruption when new entrants offer a product that, while initially inferior, provides distinct…

  • RunwayML’s new Lip Sync Tool is a Game Changer

    THE MINE, by Michael Tippett using RunwayML’s new Lip Sync feature One of the biggest challenges in creating films using AI is crafting realistic conversations. It’s incredibly difficult to generate scenes with any emotional subtlety, as AI often struggles to capture the nuances of human interaction. This complexity becomes even more apparent in dialogue-heavy scenes,…

  • AI on the Lot

    Over over 800 innovators, artists, and professionals in the AI space gathered last week in Los Angeles to explore the ways in which AI and film will intersect in the future. Here is a write up of the event. Some of the more notable attendees included: Kathryn Brillhart Kathryn Brillhart is a Cinematographer, Director, and…